
Showing posts from May, 2024


 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING NAME:   FENG SHIWEN I.D:   0374595 COURSE:  Digital Photography and Imaging GROUP:   4 Lecture week 5 1. EXPOSURE SETTING In photography, exposure is the amount of light which reaches your camera sensor or film. The main parts of the camera:  Camera body, Shutter, Image sensor, LCD screen, Camera lens, Aperture/ Iris. -  IRIS: Iris/Aperture is control the flow of light entering the lens.Iris/Aperture is measured by f-stop. (The lower the f-number, the larger the lens opening.) -  SHUTTER: The shutter is a small plastic sheet that opens and closes to allow light onto the film or prevent light from reaching the film.  ...


 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING NAME:   FENG SHIWEN I.D:   0374595 COURSE:  Digital Photography and Imaging GROUP:   4 ____________________________________________________________________________ LECTURES 1. Lasso Tool The Lasso Tool allow you to draw and pinpoint specific areas of a document. 2. Pen tool There are four ways to use the Pen Tool:Straight line paths,U shaped curves,Simple S curves and Complex S curves. 3.Magic wand tool The pen tool is also used to introduce the Magic Wand tool, which can be clicked and automatically selected for the object area. ...


 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING NAME:   FENG SHIWEN I.D:   0374595 COURSE: Digital Photography and Imaging GROUP:   4 LECTURES : Week 2 1. Introduction to basic composition. FOCAL POINT-A key element to any good composition is a strong focal point. SCALE & HIERARCHY-Scale is often used to help communicate hierarchy by drawing attention toward and away from certain elements. BALANCE THE ELEMENTS-A good technique for mastering asymmetrical balance is to think of each element as having a ‘weight’ to it. WHITE SPACE-helps your design to breathe . 2. Rules of Third. The Rule of Thirds is the process of dividing an image into thirds, using two horizontal and two vertical lines. This imaginary grid yields nine parts with four intersection points. The Rule of Thirds is a way to: Use composition techniques that are...