
Advanced Typography: Final Compilation & Reflection

18/12/2024-Ending Week FENG SHIWEN  /  0374595 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media   /  Advanced Typography  Taylor's University INSTRUCTIONS FINAL SUBMISSION 🔎 LINK TO BLOG : TASK 1 - Exercises TASK 2 - Key Artwork and Collateral TASK 3 - Type Exploration and Application TABLE OF CONTENTS 🔎 LINK TO TASK : Task 1 / Exercises Typographic Systems Type & Play Task 2 / Key Artwork & Collateral Key Artwork Collateral Task 3 / Type Exploration & Application Font Tester Font Presentation Font Application TASK 1 - Exercises 1. Typographic Systems Fig 1.1 Axial ystem ...

Advanced Typography: Task 3 Type Exploration & Application

11/20/2024-ending week FENG SHIWEN  /  0374595 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media   /  Advanced Typography  Taylor's University CONTENTS INSTRUCTION EXERCISE FEEDBACK REFLECTIONS FUTHER READING INSTRUCTION EXERCISE Task 3 Type Exploration & Application Prepare final Task 3 presentation (Google Slide / PP) explain your intention, show examples, make an attempt (at designing the font for the idea). You should explore at least 3 possible ideas in you presentation. Proposal : After the teacher's approval, I chose the first idea and started to design Task3👾 I extracted the font shape and size of the original logo, improved it, and then determined a few basic graphics on the auxiliary network for later drawing a u...