
Illustration and Visual Narrative - Final Project

  Illustration and Visual Narrative NAME:   FENG SHIWEN I.D:   0374595 COURSE:  Bachelor  of Design in Creative Media GROUP:   4   LECTURE A motion comic (or animated comic) is a form of animation combining elements of print comic books and animation. Individual panels are expanded into a full shot while sound effects, voice acting, and animation are added to the original artwork. (wikipedia) To complete 1. Comic Cover Page 2. Animated One Page Intro Animated scope: 1. Parallax (to create depth) 2. Secondary Action 3. Animated Background Acts Structure Central Theme - Definition: The theme is the main idea or underlying meaning of the story. Often, it represents the storyteller’s personal opinion on the subject matter. Major Theme: An idea intertwined and repeated throughout the whole narrative. Minor Theme: An idea that appears more s

Typography - Final Compilation & Reflection

FENG SHIWEN  /  0374595 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media    Taylor's University Final Compilation & Reflection :  22/4/2024 - 22/7/2024 (week 1 - week 14 ) INSTRUCTIONS EXERCISES 1: Exercise1: Type Expression and Text Formatting EXERCISES 2: Exercise2: Text Formatting & Expression EXERCISES 3: Exercise3:  Type Design and Communication (Font Design) SUBMISSIONS Exercise1:  Type Expression 22/4/2024-17/5/2024 (Week 1-6) Fig 1.0 Final Type Expression (PDF) Fig 1.1  Final Type Expression (JPEG) Animated Type Expression Fig.1.2 Final Animated Type Expression OPEN (GIF) Text Formatting Fig.1.3 Final Text Formatt

Digital Photography and Image — Final Project: Cinemagraphs

  NAME:  FENG SHIWEN I.D:  0374595 COURSE: Bachelor of Design in Creative Media GROUP:  4  EMAIL: INSTRUCTION -- Click on the picture to jump to the lecture blog -- Week10 Practical  Click here to jump to the lecture section. Final Project: Cinemagraphs - Self-tilted (still & animation) Final poster : Animation : Click here to jump to the lecture section.

Digital Photography and Image — Project 2A&2B

NAME:   FENG SHIWEN I.D:   0374595 COURSE:  Bachelor of Design in Creative Media GROUP:   4  EMAIL: INSTRUCTION -- Click on the picture to jump to the lecture blog -- PROJECT 2A: DOUBLE EXPOSURE Exercise 1: Follow tutorial Exercise 2: My own version Double Exposure portrait PROJECT 2B: POSTER DESIGN Description :  I conceived this poster to reflect the equality of race and color, the care and solidarity between people, and the equal rights of different races. One thing I really agree with is that all individuals are inherently equal and should be afforded equitable treatment, irrespective of their racial background. The pigmentation of skin is a product of natural adaptation to diverse environmental conditions, and as such, there exists no inher

Digital Photography and Image — Project 1A&1B

NAME:   FENG SHIWEN I.D:   0374595 COURSE: Bachelor of Design in Creative Media GROUP:   4  EMAIL: INSTRUCTION -- Click on the picture to jump to the lecture blog -- Task 1  PART 1A: Physical Collage Figure 1.1Physical Collage PART 1A: Digital Collage Figure 1.2 Digital Collage PROGECT 1B: Digital Imaging Exercises Hearst Mansion Exercise : Figure 1.3  Digital Imaging Exercises part1 My photo verson : Figure 1.4 Digital Imaging Exercises part2  PROJECT 1B : Recoloring Black & White EXERCISE 1 : EXERCISE 2 :


NAME:   FENG SHIWEN I.D:   0374595 COURSE:  Digital Photography and Imaging GROUP:   4 Theme:   SELF-TITLED Self-titled is an exploration project for the students to express their own individuality and reflect their personality into digital art self-expression.  The main idea is to build up self-confidence and discover their interest.  Part3. Execution and Post Production Import your Final Poster to After Effects Develop the composition techniques using Digital Photography & Graphic Design. Lecture : MAKING PROCESS: The teacher chose the first poster for me to make animation, which was the first time for me to try to manipulate so many layers to make animation. Although it was a little difficult, I finished it completely in the


NAME:   FENG SHIWEN I.D:   0374595 COURSE:  Digital Photography and Imaging GROUP:   4 Theme:   SELF-TITLED Self-titled is an exploration project for the students to express their own individuality and reflect their personality into digital art self-expression.  The main idea is to build up self-confidence and discover their interest.  Part.2 Design Direction Create a sketch for your work. Create a digital poster for your work. 1.Sketch your mock up poster: SKETCH PROGRESS #1  SKETCH PROGRESS #2 2. Create a digital poster based on your sketch : DIGITAL POSTER PROGRESS #1