I.D:  0374595

COURSE: Digital Photography and Imaging


(Week 8 is independent Study Week)

LECTURE /Week 9:

Digital Surrealism

Realism Versus Surrealism

- Realism:Takes subject matters of the ordinary and common world which we call "reality." It almost always takes a non-exotic and non-extraordinary subject matter and theme. There is no need to think outside of the box as that is not "real."

- Surrealism:A twist on Realism. It explores the subconscious mind with subject matters concentrating on dream-images and often aims to distort the ordinary and what we call reality.

- Surrealism


o Surrealism defies logic. Dreams and the workings of the subconscious mind inspire surrealistic art (French for "super-realism") filled with strange images and bizarre juxtapositions.

o Fueled by the teachings of Freud and the rebellious work of Dada artists, surrealists like Salvador Dalí promoted free association and dream imagery.


o An anti-war art movement with artworks that are satirical and nonsensical in nature.

What is Digital Surrealism?


o Surrealism is a cultural movement focused on types of arts to express the artist’s ideas themselves. In this digital era, surrealism is one of the top digital art styles.

How to Start Creating Surrealism Artworks?

1.Dream-like scenes and symbolic images

2.Unexpected illogical juxtapositions

3.Bizarre assemblages of ordinary objects

4.Primitive or child-like designs

- Creation Steps

1.Sketch It Out:

o Take a piece of paper and pen/pencil or a tablet and start to sketch. Draw your vision out roughly. Don't finesse any details yet, just lay out the key points of your vision.

2.Find Reference Images:

o Gathering reference images will greatly help you realize your new idea. Gather images that directly relate to what you have in mind.

- Capturing Your Dream

1.“Does this look real?”:

o Surrealism is at its best when it's convincing enough that it could be real, however, we obviously know that the subject matter you are creating is nonexistent and thus not real.

2.Make it happen to the best of your ability:

o When you try to approach something challenging, you will learn the skills you may need for next time to make it work. The worst thing you can do is be afraid and back off from your idea because you would never learn that way.

Role of Photoshop.




CATEGORY: Visual design

THEME: Equality

INSTURACTION : Student are required to create a poster design composition using elements of photography, typography and vector graphics.  


I conceived this poster to reflect the equality of race and color, the care and solidarity between people, and the equal rights of different races. One thing I really agree with is that all individuals are inherently equal and should be afforded equitable treatment, irrespective of their racial background. The pigmentation of skin is a product of natural adaptation to diverse environmental conditions, and as such, there exists no inherent superiority in any particular skin coloration.


I want to express the equality between men and women in this poster. I believe that men and women have equal rights in the society, and they should be treated equally no matter in education opportunities or employment opportunities. I don't think we can confine ourselves to gender, we should treat everything with the thinking that "we all can".



In the end, teacher selected the first poster for me as the final poster, and the photographic material of this photo can better express the theme of the work.


Task is completed. Please update the submission under project 2. 


In the WEEK8 and WEEK9 of independent learning, we need to make posters on the theme of equality for the poster competition. I consulted some materials and summarized my own views, and tried to use some methods learned in class to add effects to the posters


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