Typography - Final Compilation & Reflection

FENG SHIWEN  /  0374595

Bachelor of Design in Creative Media   

Taylor's University

Final Compilation & Reflection : 22/4/2024 - 22/7/2024 (week 1 - week 14 )


EXERCISES 1: Exercise1: Type Expression and Text Formatting

EXERCISES 2: Exercise2: Text Formatting & Expression

EXERCISES 3: Exercise3:  Type Design and Communication (Font Design)


Exercise1: Type Expression

22/4/2024-17/5/2024 (Week 1-6)

Fig 1.0 Final Type Expression (PDF)

Fig 1.1  Final Type Expression (JPEG)

Animated Type Expression

Fig.1.2 Final Animated Type Expression OPEN (GIF)

Text Formatting

Fig.1.3 Final Text Formatting (with grids) - JPEG

Fig. 1.4 Final Text Formatting (without grids) - JPEG

Fig.1.5 Final Text Formatting (with grids) (PDF)

Fig.1.6 Final Text Formatting  (without grids) (PDF)


Font/s: Bembo Std

Type Size/s: 72 pt/30pt

Leading: 36 pt

Paragraph spacing: 0


Font/s: Bembo Std

Type Size/s: 11 pt

Leading: 11 pt

Paragraph spacing: 11 pt

Characters per-line: 55

Alignment: left justified 

Margins: 12.7 mm top, 12.7 mm left + right + bottom

Columns: 4

Gutter: 10 mm

Exercise2: Text Formatting & Expression

30/5/2024-10/6/2024 (Week 6-8)

Fig.1.7 Final layout (without grids)

Fig.1.8 Final layout (with grids)

Fig.1.9 Final layout PDF (without grids)

Fig.1.10 Final layout PDF (with grids)


Font/s: Futura Std Bold

Type Size/s: 100pt


Font/s:Bembo Std Regular  (text),  Futura Std Bold(Lead-in text)

Type Size/s: 12pt (text)

Leading: 20 pt (text), 24 pt (Lead-in text)

Paragraph spacing: 14 pt (text)

Characters per-line: 35-50characters

Alignment: Left justified

Margins: 10 mm (top, bottom, left, right)

Columns: 2

Gutter: 5 mm

Exercise3:  Type Design and Communication (Font Design)

17/6/2024-15/7/2024 (Week 9-12)


Fig. 1.11 Final kerning - JPEG

Font Design

Fig.1.12 Final Type construction in Ai JPEG

Fig.1.13 Final Type construction Ai in PDF

Final poster

Fig. 1.14 Final Poster Design

Fig. 1.15 Final Poster Design - PDF

Downloadable font link:


Font Tester

Try typing out the characters: o h d n g l e s c t i  , . ! #



In my first semester of BDCM, I learned a lot of new knowledge from the course of typesetting, which improved my learning quality, logic and rigor in handling tasks. The task of this course is a big challenge for me. I started to use all the software from scratch, and now I can get familiar with their operation and make some homework. I really enjoy the study of this course, which has a great impact on my study and future.


As for observation in learning, I think it is very important to coordinate each step. Typesetting is a very rigorous subject. We need to pay attention to details and tasks, and make clear the principle, so as to ensure no mistakes in operation and perfect presentation of our ideas


I found that I learned a lot of software during the 14-week study, such as adobe illustrator, indesign and Fontlab7, and I can start to use them independently and make complete works. I also learned the Bauhaus style in my homework, and learned his artistic style to make my composition... Finally, the learning of typesetting in this semester has made me very happy and enriched. In the future, I will continue to learn typesetting and improve my creative ability !


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